It’s been a tremendously long time since any new content appeared here (I’ve even been considering shutting this web log down) but today I find myself eager to share some thoughts! What could stir me from my slumber? Somewhat surprisingly I find myself uncharacteristically excited about a gaming platform and, as I no longer share… Continue reading Speculating about SteamOS
Category: Open Source
Cooking on Gas
It’s been a while since I wrote anything original and interesting here and even longer since I wrote about work. Let’s try and rectify that. The following is a re-post from the Yocto Project Blog, though I originally wrote it for this blog. For the last 18 months or so I’ve been working full-time on… Continue reading Cooking on Gas
Talking about Poky and Yocto
I just returned from an excellent week in the Pacific North West of America where I attended Intel’s Open Source Technology Summit (OSTS), our internal open source conference. Whilst there I presented a talk on Building Using Poky; the Yocto Project Build System the slides for which I’ve just uploaded to my Talks page. This… Continue reading Talking about Poky and Yocto