It’s been a tremendously long time since any new content appeared here (I’ve even been considering shutting this web log down) but today I find myself eager to share some thoughts! What could stir me from my slumber? Somewhat surprisingly I find myself uncharacteristically excited about a gaming platform and, as I no longer share… Continue reading Speculating about SteamOS
Category: Opinion
Part time academic
As is possibly quite obvious from an earlier post, I am currently engaged in a course of part time graduate studies. I’m going to ruminate somewhat on the why and the what here, primarily because I’d like to improve my writing skills (and therefore need to write more often). I’ve wanted to further my education and… Continue reading Part time academic
Severed Fifth
Jono Bacon, of Lugradio, Recreant View and Ubuntu fame, has announced his new project – Severed Fifth. Although I had made a fairly accurate guess as to the purpose of the project (once Jono had alluded to it on his blog and Lugradio) I’m pleased to be able to report that I am still excited… Continue reading Severed Fifth