Recently I wrote about doing some hacking for the Palm WebOS to create a tube app for K. It’s now in a reasonably usable form so I’ve put up a noddy website and a clone of my repository is available on GitHub. As it’s at a stage where it works for the person I wrote… Continue reading Blunderground
Category: Software
Self deprecating
Two weeks after it was given my talk on writing Connectivity UIs for ConnMan is already out of date. Crumbs! There have been over half a dozen ConnMan releases in the time since! Because of this I’ve decided that I’m going to keep a set of notes against ConnMan git for budding UI developers. These… Continue reading Self deprecating
We’ve gone into Beta
This is what I have been working on for the last several months. More specifically, I’ve been working on this component … Now we’re open I will hopefully blog some more about my work 🙂