Recently I wrote about doing some hacking for the Palm WebOS to create a tube app for K. It’s now in a reasonably usable form so I’ve put up a noddy website and a clone of my repository is available on GitHub. As it’s at a stage where it works for the person I wrote… Continue reading Blunderground
Tag: Programming
Mojo Hacking
Recently K had a software update on her Palm Pre, following this we decided to checkout the state of the app store. The conversation was brief: “Is there a tube map yet?” “Nope, I’m afraid not. Still nothing.” “Can’t you write me one? You like programming ….” “Well, yes. I do. I can …” Irrefutable… Continue reading Mojo Hacking
Functionally and parenthetically curious
As geeks are want to do I oft end up in the pub talking programming, philosophy, etc. In the course of these conversations things are said which people disagree with, that’s just to be expected. I have a habit of going home following such a discussion and researching the answers to any questions which are… Continue reading Functionally and parenthetically curious