It’s been a tremendously long time since any new content appeared here (I’ve even been considering shutting this web log down) but today I find myself eager to share some thoughts! What could stir me from my slumber? Somewhat surprisingly I find myself uncharacteristically excited about a gaming platform and, as I no longer share… Continue reading Speculating about SteamOS
Delicious Bookmarks for November 3rd through November 26th
These are my links for November 3rd through November 26th: Hello, Luna Beta 1 | elementary – I discovered the Elementary OS relatively recently. They're building an open source OS experience by developing a new desktop environment atop a customised Ubuntu core. Whilst I don't entirely agree with all of the design decisions they're making… Continue reading Delicious Bookmarks for November 3rd through November 26th
Delicious Bookmarks for October 4th through November 3rd
These are my links for October 4th through November 3rd: The astronomical unit gets fixed : Nature News & Comment – Elon Musk’s Mission to Mars | Wired Science | – An interview with SpaceX's Elon Musk where he talks about their aspiration of a reusable "orbit class system" (i.e. rocket). Including a video… Continue reading Delicious Bookmarks for October 4th through November 3rd