These are my links for July 25th from 16:01 to 18:34: Ethics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robots and Society – "The purpose of this page is to explain why people worry about the wrong things when they worry about AI." What is Artificial Intelligence – "Artificial Intelligence (AI) combines science and engineering in order to build… Continue reading Delicious Bookmarks for July 25th from 16:01 to 18:34
Part time academic
As is possibly quite obvious from an earlier post, I am currently engaged in a course of part time graduate studies. I’m going to ruminate somewhat on the why and the what here, primarily because I’d like to improve my writing skills (and therefore need to write more often). I’ve wanted to further my education and… Continue reading Part time academic
Delicious Bookmarks for June 7th through June 30th
These are my links for June 7th through June 30th: Embedded in Academia : The PhD Grind, and Why Research Isn’t Like Sex – A professor responds to, and largely agrees with, Philip Guo's Ph.D memoirs. Philip Guo – Ph.D. Memoirs – The Ph.D. Grind – "A Ph.D. Student Memoir" Dive Into HTML5 – "Dive… Continue reading Delicious Bookmarks for June 7th through June 30th