This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending the ACM’s A.M. Turing Centenary Celebration in San Francisco. It was a fantastic event, as one audience member put it – “it’s like opening a computer history book and having all of the characters step out of the page”. The celebration featured a diverse range of… Continue reading Celebrating the life and work of Alan M. Turing
Extension experiment
Just recently I’ve been using Google Chrome more and more as my primary web browser, but there’s one thing that really frustrates me about it. I tend to have a lot of tabs open, with around a dozen or so “would like to read” tabs and a widely varying number of tabs related to my… Continue reading Extension experiment
Training an artificial neural network
A few days ago I handed in the second assignment on my Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) module. The task was to train an ANN to detect attacks vs. normal access in the logs of a simulated military network. The data came from KDD Cup 99, of which we used a reduced set for the assignment.… Continue reading Training an artificial neural network